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Seedlip Non-Alcoholic Spirits

Botanical sips.

London-based spirit company Seedlip is on a mission to change the way people imbibe by giving non-drinkers better options—juice and soda mocktails, be gone. Void of sugar and artificial flavours, Seedlip blends herbs, wood, and botanicals, then distills them in copper pots into two potent blends: the earthy Spice 94, created with allspice, cardamom, oak, lemon, and grapefruit; and the invigorating Garden 108, distilled with peas, hay, spearmint, rosemary, and thyme. Recommended serving? Refreshingly simple: blend with tonic water, garnish, and serve. This fall marks Seedlip’s first foray into the North American market with exclusive distribution through gourmet food purveyor Mikuni Wild Harvest.


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