Cire Trudon
Bonaparte invades NYC.

From the waxed wooden floors of Versailles to the heady tuberose of the ladies of court, the oldest candle maker in the world brings centuries of aromatic French history to New York. Cire Trudon has been producing candles and wax in Paris since 1643, and now a Cire Trudon has opened in Manhattan. The Nolita boutique is a visual and olfactory delight. Keeping watch over the space are expertly crafted Les Bustes de Cire candles, which are wax busts of some previous Cire Trudon clientèle, including a stern Napoleon and the ever-elegant Marie Antoinette. Also catering to the non-traditionalist, six of Cire Trudon’s scents—one being Odalisque, a romantic blend of orange blossom and vanilla—can be taken off the shelf and to the streets with their Stink Bombs, tiny glass vials that can be smashed for an instant scented assault.