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The Season’s Edibles

Spring bounty.

The vernal equinox has become synonymous with lightness, greenery, and refreshments of many sorts—three elements that marry quite nicely on a plate. Spring’s bounty has much to offer, including many overlooked garden delicacies. While the dandelion is a handsome botanical specimen, with its merry yellow flowers, it is often viewed as just a weed, and yet it is edible from its petals to its roots. Rhubarb, with its stately stalks, is technically a vegetable, but is more often used as a fruit. Taro—or kalo, as the root vegetable is known by locals—has been a staple food for as long as Hawaiians have existed in Hawaii, and it is still revered as the giver of mana, or life force. Heirloom tomatoes are traditional varieties that openly pollinate; that is, they pollinate naturally, due to wind, bees, and other forces of nature. These edibles are best served with longer days and outdoors when possible, where the sunshine offers a reminder of the season’s turn.
