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Linda Rodin

Slow beauty.

Linda Rodin has always been an individual; a woman unafraid to go against the current, exuding substance as much as style.

The former model, who began gracing the covers of magazines in the sixties after moving from Long Island, New York to Italy at age 18, established a reputable name for herself as a model, stylist, and fashion editor. Yet it is her skincare line, the RODIN olio lusso collection, founded in 2007, with which she is now most closely associated.

Rodin’s collection began with her body oil, which she perfected over the course of two years, mixing essential oils in her own bathroom. Shortly after, a hair oil (in collaboration with renowned hair stylist Bob Recine) was added to the line, followed by a lip balm, hand and body cream, a jasmine and neroli perfume, a scented candle, and, most recently, Rodin’s first foray into makeup: a lipstick range in five, lucite-packaged hues. Lip pencils are next, set to launch in February 2017 in five shades.

“I’ve always been a lipstick wearer and I’ve always gravitated towards the same range of shades,” explains Rodin of her move into makeup. “It seemed like a perfect extension of my skincare line to make it with my oils as an ingredient and to get the perfect texture and shades I adore,” she says.

Quirky names make up the range: “Tough Tomato”, a colour that recalls Grace Kelly’s fifties makeup looks. “Red Hedy” was inspired by Hedy Lamarr, “So Mod” references sixties sirens, and for “Billie on the Bike”, Rodin re-created the ripe raspberry her mother wore.

“They are the colours that one needs in my opinion. They are classic colours and can be combined and mixed to make variations. I’m not into trendy makeup shades and these seem to be just right for me and it seems so many others,” says Rodin about her line.

“I look at my aging self and sometimes want to cry,” she laughs. “But the alternative of plastic surgery and filler and Botox really makes me want to cry.”

While the beauty industry runs on a constant high, infatuated with all things “new”, Rodin isn’t fazed by the latest must-have and sticks to what works: timeless beauty essentials that make up a woman’s cosmetics case. “My beauty philosophy has always been to keep things simple and elegant. And easy. I’ve never been a primper. I like to get up and go.”

Rodin’s “less is more” approach to beauty sends out a strong message. In a social-media-frenzied-world, where lip fillers and cosmetic surgery are on the rise and countless beauty brands attempt to turn back the clock as fast as possible, slowing down feels almost novel, refreshing.

“I just think it is sad that teenagers are changing their faces. I’m not sure if products can really be ‘anti-aging.’ I don’t make claims about my products except to say, ‘be the best you can be naturally.’”

The combination of simplicity and authenticity form the ethos of Rodin’s ever-evolving brand. At 66, she embraces aging gracefully and naturally.

“I look at my aging self and sometimes want to cry,” she laughs. “But the alternative of plastic surgery and filler and Botox really makes me want to cry. I could not do that to myself. I tried filler and Botox about five years ago and I really felt like my face was morphing before my eyes. I didn’t look younger—just puffed up and weird. It wasn’t for me. But I don’t judge anyone. It’s a personal choice.”

Rodin sums up beauty as, “feeling confident and secure, feeling physically fit and healthy. Stay true to yourself and try not let in a lot of other voices. Trust yourself.”

A paradox; so simple yet so difficult to achieve at times, but regardless, a message our youth-obsessed world now needed to hear more than ever before, as Rodin espouses that being youthful in spirit and mind is what matters most.
