Susan Miller Reads our Chart
On an unassuming and somewhat drizzly recent Friday afternoon, our office phone rang directly, mysteriously, without the call first registering through our reception desk as it usually does. The voice on the other end was summery-bright. It said, “Hello, this is Susan Miller.”
Having recently profiled Susan in our spring issue, we cheekily requested whether the cosmic grande dame might find the time to perform a dedicated chart reading for December 9, 1997—the incorporation date/birthday of NUVO magazine. What can we say, the publishing world is tempestuous and uncertain, and all the best publications are known to look to the heavens for guidance. Miller understood.
“You’re a Sagittarius, with the sun conjunct to Pluto at a very powerful angle, within 6.5 degrees, that’s pretty tight,” she began. “Sagittarius is the sign of publishing, and Pluto brings wise financial handling—you are a company that can come up with ideas for financing yourself.” A correlating appearance of Capricorn in our 12th house of money also flags us for financial acuity, but the moon’s presence suggests we’re also realistic—to buffer against disappointment. More importantly, task-master Saturn is in our first house of workers meaning our teams puts in “800 per cent”. Gosh, it’s nice to get some cosmic recognition every once in a while. Saturn is into the pursuit of new ideas and Miller assured us even if untested waters prove choppy, the planet has an “almost mystic” ability to reward bravery and provide aid. Galactic big boy Jupiter shines in creative Aries—a sign that’s unafraid to “break a few eggs,” says Miller, while Uranus, the planet of genius, sits plump and fetching in our third house of communication, right next to melodious Neptune.
“Neptune is cinematic,” explains Miller. “Images and photography are emphasized, and you can tell a lot from what you see. Your editor in chief prefers stories that are like a screen-play—written with a detailed approach. Whoever is in charge has the ability to hear the music of a sentence—for them, keeping a writer’s style intact is a priority, which is one of the greatest compliments you can pay an editor.” Mercury and Scorpio assist with the digging up of facts, and their placement in Capricorn suggests our staff-turnover is low (sorry, hopeful interns). Jupiter’s transition to Libra on September 9, 2016, sparks a golden year for social media, and our social media manger—an Aries—is going to be leading the charge, so best be an early adopter and follow us now.
“All the best aspects can’t help if you don’t put in the elbow grease,” Miller warns, but overall, the stars seem to shine relatively benevolently upon NUVO magazine. Miller also shared some feedback on our profile of her: “Joshua (David Stein) is a sweetheart. But he called me ‘Sally Field.’ No New York City woman wants to be Sally Field.” Fair enough—we think we’ll just call her “mom” instead.