Poems in Passage Makes a Welcome Return Journey in Toronto
The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls.
Poems in Passage has been brought to life by two Torontonians to improve commutes and bring poetry to the cities transit.
Poems in Passage has been brought to life by two Torontonians to improve commutes and bring poetry to the cities transit.
A wide range of voices and styles is represented to give readers a sense of the depth of skill and experience that constitutes the scene today.
“I feel like, as an artist, I have a certain facility for taking what happens in the world, taking what I see, and then absorbing it and translating it for the rest of the world.”
Largely autobiographical, Arlo Parks’ songs are “almost like a diary entry,” she says.
Hana Shafi uses her affirmation artwork series to bridge visual connections between the words.
“When the neighbourhood goes quiet as the country.”
“To devote oneself to the study of beauty is to offer footnotes to the universe of all the places and all the moments that one observes beauty.”
NUVO Thoughts: Immediately, I am faced with the consequences of the interplay between the idea of the book and this unfathomable thing, the Internet. There is a change taking place in the publishing industry because of the Internet. That change made this book possible. What has happened to the book?
To better understand the nuances of holding the title of poet laureate, we spoke to laureates from select Canadian cities (and a Territory) about what the title means to them.