Ocean House, Haida Gwaii
A cultural experience, wilderness retreat, and luxury vacation at once, to stay at Ocean House is to be a guest in a mystically beautiful world.
A cultural experience, wilderness retreat, and luxury vacation at once, to stay at Ocean House is to be a guest in a mystically beautiful world.
The pears are sweet enough, and the cranberries, well, they are tiny and tart. It makes for a great juxtaposition (one of my favourite long words—one I actually know the meaning of!)
Although a week spent in St. Barths or a nostalgic getaway in Hampshire’s treehouses has its benefits, the vastness of Canada is hiding lesser-known boutique hotels, lodges, and ranches with unique offerings in breathtakingly wild settings.
To visit the islands is to expose oneself to a vast and powerful beauty; its old cedar forests and brisk beaches contribute to an almost mystic atmosphere.
A scrapbook-style compilation of recipes, legends, photographs, narratives, and local knowledge novelist, poet, and first-time cookbook author Musgrave has amassed since moving to Graham Island in the late seventies, reading A Taste of Haida Gwaii feels akin to exploring the Canada’s enigmatic westernmost archipelago with a funny and insightful personal guide.
I suppose you could use other clams (why not?) but razor clams are dug near where I live on North Beach so alas, woe is I, it is what I have.
What happens in Haida Gwaii doesn’t stay in Haida Gwaii. Bringing home a fine specimen that fell for your line is expected, as is the requisite exaggeration of your catch’s proportions. If, that is, as a guest of the all-inclusive Clubhouse, it’s a good-looking salmon you’re after.