Belize Delivers a Bewitching Blend of Culture, Nature, and History
Toucans, pyramids, and chocolate in Central America.
Toucans, pyramids and chocolate in Central America.
Toucans, pyramids and chocolate in Central America.
Known for their incorporation of rustic elements into a holistic chic, the Peart twins have optimized the resort in its recent redesign, both aesthetically and functionally.
Travellers seeking Belize without the crowds need look no further than this guide to the middle-of-nowhere jewels in the Central American country’s Western Cayo District.
Leisure and delight can be found at each of the five retreats of the Francis Ford Coppola Resorts. Designed by the renowned filmmaker, the resorts offer gorgeous views of Belize mountaintops, Guatemala rainforests, Argentina landscapes, or Italian hillsides.