Printing Machine

New Matter’s MOD-t 3-D printer.

Daily Edit: MOD-t

When Steve Schell, a passionate technologist and mechanical engineer, took a look at the consumer market for 3-D printers he identified three glaring issues: cost, usability, and user network. Now, Schell is out to break down those barriers and usher in the New Matter MOD-t, an affordable—$250—desktop 3-D printer. Compare that to an average competitor at $2,900, and a hesitant, albeit interested shopper might be easily swayed.

The very first 3-D printer was developed by Charles W. Hull in 1984. There have been plenty of iterations in the 30 years following and no company has made a stronger case for why you should have a 3-D printer in your home. New Matter thinks its MOD-t printer can bring 3-D printing to the mainstream. With the New Matter online store scheduled to launch this summer, anyone will be able to purchase a vast assortment of customizable objects to print. Liken it to purchasing an app on your mobile device—it’ll be that simple. The library of printable objects, such as a geometric necklace or a lion’s head coat hook, will be continually expanding as developers are encouraged to contribute to designs. With a live crowd-funding campaign, Schell and associates surpassed their desired goal of $375,000 in 31 hours and, it seems, on their way to making the MOD-t a daily appliance.
