NUVO’s Best of the Decade
The multiplicity of voices, styles, and concepts that have filled NUVO’s pages have shaped the publication and its direction as it heads into 2020.
The multiplicity of voices, styles, and concepts that have filled NUVO’s pages have shaped the publication and its direction as it heads into 2020.
Storytelling—and telling stories well—is a craft mastered by few. Here, five wordsmiths who have left a lasting impression.
The granite and limestone art deco building at the corner of Fifth Avenue and 57th Street in New York contains 16 jewellers’ benches on the seventh floor. The tools splayed on each bench mimic what would be found in a carpenter’s toolbox. The noticeable difference is scale: screwdrivers, pliers, and saw blades are a fraction the size of what Mr. Fix-It uses.
Bret Easton Ellis has been known to stir up trouble with just a tap of his keyboard. The author and screenwriter has been making headlines from his first novel, Less than Zero, through to his latest project, a screenplay, The Canyons. Lately, Ellis and his peers have been tapping into the Internet.
The author, screenwriter, and prolific, controversial tweeter, has been known to stir up trouble with just a tap of his keyboard.