In Conversation with Nick Wooster
The godfather of men’s style.
The fashion consultant reflects on his career and personal style, offering insight into how all men can navigate their wardrobes with deftness and grace.
The fashion consultant reflects on his career and personal style, offering insight into how all men can navigate their wardrobes with deftness and grace.
Ralph Lauren’s iconic Americana, with international appeal.
FROM THE ARCHIVE: The summer of 2006 was the winter of my fragrance discontent. Actually, it was more like despair. Perhaps my mood was unduly influences by Karl Lagerfeld’s utterances about the impending fall fashions: “We live in a dark and romantic and quite tragic world.”
FROM THE ARCHIVE: Every sport has a star who, both in and out of competition, comes to embody the character and personality of the sport itself. For polo, that athlete is Ignacio “Nacho” Figueras.