Conversation Piece, September 17, 2017

A weekly series.

Conversation Piece

Enjoy our Sunday series, Conversation Piece, a NUVO–curated digest of things on the Internet we think you’ll want to talk about.

To smarter living. To honour a decade of running her site,, writer Maria Popova collected 10 “fluid reflections on keeping a solid centre,” i.e. 10 learnings from her time observing cultural topics from both history and current events. Settle in with your coffee and open your mind to some excellent advice, here.

Why happy people cheat. Once, notes Esther Perel in The Atlantic, we strayed because marriage was not supposed to deliver love and passion. Today, we stray because marriage fails to deliver the love and passion it promised. It’s not our desires that are different today, but the fact that we feel entitled—even obligated—to pursue them. Delve deeper into why happy people cheat, here.

Playin’ video games. As video games get better and job prospects worse, more young men are dropping out of the job market to spend their time in the alternate reality provided by gaming. In 1843 magazine, Ryan Avent suspects this preoccupation is the beginning of something big. Read more, here.

Million-mile high club. For all the time and money that’s gone into researching life in space, one subject has not been addressed enough: sex. While there are rumours of astronauts knocking moon boots, the official statement from NASA is that no one has ever had sex in space. So, to satisfy our curiosity on the subject, statistical analysis website FiveThirtyEight has put together a (mostly safe-for-work) video that outlines everything we know on the subject—including that time humans tried to make a zero gravity porno. Read more, here.


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