Conversation Piece, July 1, 2018

Enjoy our Sunday series, Conversation Piece, a NUVO–curated digest of things on the Internet we think you’ll want to talk about.

Great for procrastinators. When was the last time you cleaned your filthy, disgusting keyboard? Probably a while ago. The New York Times has tapped clean-meister Jolie Kerr (host of the podcast “Ask a Clean Person”) how exactly to get into all the nooks and crannies of that thing you’re rubbing your hands over all day. A clean board is super satisfying—thank us later. Read more, here.

Celebrity cents. Ever wondered how celebrities spend their money? Of course you have. Hollywood finance manager Kristen Lee is here to spill the beans on overspending, taking clients out of making exorbitant purchases, and how to fix a cash crunch. An enlightening look into the reality of living large. Read more, here.

Leaving Laura Palmer. For Lit Hub, Kristen Martin delves into Alice Bolin’s debut essay collection Dead Girls: Essays on Surviving an American Obsession—musings on the subject of white, female victim narratives that are more analytical than morbid. A smart perspective on the murder tropes central to popular true crime stories. Read more, here.

Food for thought. Agriculture massively contributes to greenhouse gas production—from the swaths of land needed to grow feed crops to the flatulence of farm animals themselves. One way to lessen the footprint is to feed cows, pigs, and chickens, a bacteria protein instead of soybean-based feed. In fact, “microbial protein” could reduce greenhouse gasses by seven per cent—and we already have perfected the recipe. Learn more, here.


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