Lladró Porcelain Ornaments

Each year we trim our trees, sip eggnog, and remember—as each ornament is carefully unsheathed from its box and unearthed from soft tissue, each brings with it a tale to tell. There are the hand-painted, macaroni, and clay varietals we crafted as children. There are the ones that call to our heritage—a string of Danish flags, a musical miniature bagpipe, a Ukrainian pysanka (Easter egg)—and those that fill the empty spaces in the branches with their reflective spheres.

And then, there are the ones we collect: the handcrafted, the glass-blown, and the sculpted. Passed down through generations, these tell stories of a truly cherished Christmas, of thoughtfulness, and perhaps, due to their fragility, the delicate nature of our passing years. Lladró’s handmade porcelain ornaments rest in this box (perhaps packed with extra tissue): a mobile of winter stars; an evergreen tree; a smiling bell; a gold-rimmed roadster. Each a merry moment shared with those who matter most.

See more from NUVO’s Winter Whites Holiday Wish List.

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