Art Interiors

Art Interiors, tucked away in Toronto’s Forest Hill Village, takes an accessible approach to art collecting. Founders Lisa Diamond Katz and Shira Wood understand the struggles artists face to showcase and sell their work—Wood is an artist herself, and Katz learned the trade at a poster publishing and distribution company. They established Art Interiors in 1993 to introduce up-and-coming artists to the public, and with their keen eye for burgeoning talent have created a growing roster that includes over 150 Canadian artists. The gallery is a welcoming environment in which to peruse their wares, with pieces stacked against the walls and papers piled high, showcasing a multitude of mediums for all tastes.

Curating visual works is no small feat, but Katz and Wood have done so for 20 years with their annual Festival of Smalls exhibition, which offers an assortment of compact, one-of-a-kind works of art. With a run right up to Christmas Eve this year, the exhibition is just the ticket for last-minute shoppers.

See more from NUVO’s Holiday Wish List.

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